Conditioning Series Part 2: Anaerobic Capacity and Power for Combat Sports

Article by Jason Lau

2-3 minute read

This is a continuation of the Conditioning Series for Combat Sports. If you have not read Part 1, I have linked it below:

“Conditioning Series Part 1: Building the Aerobic System for Combat Sports”

In the world of combat sports, where split-second decisions and explosive movements define success, the significance of anaerobic conditioning should not be overstated. Anaerobic energy pathways are one of the backbones of performance, enabling fighters to deliver powerful strikes, execute lightning-fast takedowns, and evade opponents with agility and precision. Understanding these systems through targeted conditioning protocols will aid athletes striving for peak performance in the ring or octagon.

Anaerobic conditioning is present in many cyclical sports, providing the explosive power and speed required for performance. In combat sports, where high-intensity bursts of activity are crucial, understanding and optimizing the anaerobic system through analysis and application of cyclical sport methodologies, can give fighters a significant edge. This article delves into the science behind the anaerobic system, how it works, and its application in combat sports, along with application recommendations.

To gain a clear understanding of Combat Sport being categorized as a mixed sport and the various factors and demands affecting it, read Part 1 of the Conditioning Series here.


Understanding the Alactic and Anaerobic System

OneFC, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, MMA

If you have not read PART 1 of the Conditioning Series where I give an overview of all three energy systems, click here. The anaerobic system encompasses two primary pathways for energy production: the ATP-PC system and the Glycolytic system. Here is a quick breakdown:

(Alactic) ATP-PC System:

The ATP-PC system serves as an immediate energy source for brief, intense activities such as sprinting or jumping, relying on stored ATP and phosphocreatine (PC) within muscles. When muscles demand energy, ATP molecules undergo breakdown into adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate (Pi), releasing energy to fuel muscle contractions. However, ATP stores deplete rapidly during intense exercise. To sustain ATP levels, the body turns to the ATP-PC system, breaking down phosphocreatine into creatine and phosphate to regenerate ATP. This process lasts approximately 10 seconds, for supporting explosive movements and short bursts of high-intensity effort.


Source: ResearchGate


Anaerobic Lactate (Glycolytic) System:

When the ATP-PC system's energy stores are depleted, the glycolytic system steps in as the primary energy source, breaking down stored glycogen into glucose. Through glycolysis, a series of chemical reactions occur, producing ATP to sustain energy production. This process allows for anaerobic energy generation, supplying fuel for high-intensity activities lasting up to 2 minutes. However, glycolysis also generates lactic acid as a byproduct, which can accumulate in the muscles, leading to fatigue and soreness. Lactate can be converted into energy through the Cori cycle and direct oxidation in mitochondria. During anaerobic glycolysis in muscles, lactate is produced when oxygen levels are low. This lactate is transported to the liver, where it is converted back into pyruvate by lactate dehydrogenase. Pyruvate is then used in gluconeogenesis to form glucose, which is released into the bloodstream and taken up by muscles for energy or stored as glycogen.

Additionally, lactate can be directly utilized by tissues like the heart and slow-twitch muscle fibers. These tissues convert lactate to pyruvate, which then enters the mitochondria and undergoes oxidation in the citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle) to produce ATP, the primary energy currency of cells. Thus, lactate serves as an efficient fuel source that can be rapidly converted back into energy, especially during intense exercise when oxygen is scarce.

While the ATP-PC system provides immediate energy for explosive movements, the glycolytic system supports sustained high-intensity efforts. It is also crucial for fighters and athletes alike to understand that the contribution of each energy system, in a singular activity, does not switch on and off like a light switch, but will contribute to a degree (this is explained in Part 1 of the Conditioning Series). Both pathways are crucial for athletes in sports requiring short bursts of intense activity, like combat sports, and understanding how they function can help optimize training and performance.

The Lactic Threshold (LT)


The Lactic Threshold (LT) is where lactate begins to accumulate in the body faster than it can be cleared away. When exercising below the LT, the body primarily uses aerobic metabolism (oxygen to produce energy) resulting in lower lactate levels. As the activity intensity increases and approaches the threshold, the body will start relying more on the anerobic system to produce energy but will result in lactate accumulation. This allows the fighter to sustain higher intensities of activity for longer periods before fatigue sets in.

In Part 1 of this series, I described how time in heart rate zone can be a guideline to conditioning. For fighters looking for an individualized approach, conducting a threshold test with a heart rate monitor can provide a clear understanding of an individual’s LT. Using LT percentages can be a more accurate method and representation used within a fighter’s conditioning session.

Zone 1 [50-60% of Max HR] - <70% of Lactic Threshold

Zone 2 [60-70% of Max HR] - 70-85% of Lactic Threshold

Zone 3 [70-80% of Max HR] - 85-95% of Lactic Threshold

Zone 4 [80-90% of Max HR] - 95-105% of Lactic Threshold

Zone 5 [90-100% Max HR] - >105% of Lactic Threshold


Training Suggestions

UFC, MMA, Darren Till, Fighter, Combat Sports

The next few training suggestions will be separated into a general method (traditional roadwork/sprint, cycling, rowing or any form of cyclical modality), weight-room method and sport-specific method. Whether or not the goal is to increase peak power or increase anaerobic capacity, sufficient rest is required. For work-to-rest ratio suggestions, read my athletic training article here.

General - Short, high-Intensity intervals

With the goal of training for peak power (speed or output/wattage) or mean power (average speed or output/wattage), this training method is best used when the fighter can track the metrics of each interval. However, each interval will require adequate rest in between to give the body time to replenish the ATP storages.

Peak Power Example:

Week 1 - 2 sets x 6 reps (10s ON/50s OFF or shadow boxing) @85% MAX OUTPUT

Week 2 - 2 sets x 5 reps (10s ON/50s OFF or shadow boxing) @87.5% MAX OUTPUT

Week 3 - 3 sets x 4 reps (10s ON/50s OFF or shadow boxing) @90% MAX OUTPUT

Week 4 - 3 sets x 3 reps (10s ON/50s OFF or shadow boxing) @92.5% MAX OUTPUT

*This is a general EXAMPLE. Coaches can still adhere to the sets and reps structure while keeping an eye on the max output and cut the session short if the fighter’s output starts dropping past 5-7% of initial output.

Lactic Threshold Example:

Week 1 - 2 sets x 6 reps (6-8s ON/54-58s OFF) @ >105% of Lactic Threshold

Week 2 - 2 sets x 8 reps (6-8s ON/54-58s OFF) @ >105% of Lactic Threshold

Week 3 - 3 sets x 5 reps (8-10s ON/54-58s OFF) @ >105% of Lactic Threshold

Week 4 - 3 sets x 6 reps (8-10s ON/54-58s OFF) @ >105% of Lactic Threshold

Weight-Room Method

This has been something I have been experimenting from my time coaching in 2022-2023. Taking inspiration from Elevated Density Training (EDT) Method and circuit training, fighters can chase anaerobic power repeat qualities through the use of ballistic and plyometric exercises with careful prescription of sets, repetitions and rest intervals. Below is the post I have made previously explaining my thought process when prescribing this method to my fighters. If you have not already, follow me on Instagram for more information geared towards combat sports and read my Muay Thai Series: “Strength and Power Development” here.

Sport-Specific Method

This method is already used within traditional practice sessions and may be already part of many fighter’s training sessions with their skills coach. Short-duration pad work rounds with the focus of single powerful techniques thrown or simple combinations or speed-kicks is the most pragmatic and specific manner of applying anaerobic conditioning given that the athlete is technically proficient enough with their techniques. Below is an excellent video of speed kicks from Sam-A Gaiyanghadao.


Final Thoughts

For athletes in combat sports, anaerobic conditioning is not just beneficial—it is essential. By understanding the science behind the anaerobic system and incorporating targeted training methods such as HIIT, circuit training, and sport-specific drills, fighters can apply these methods to improve power, speed, and repeatability. The key to success is to allow adequate rest and monitor the fighter in-between bouts of effort. This can come in many forms such as:

  • Monitoring fighter heart rate (HR) and allowing adequate time to return to a lowered HR zone prior to the next bout.

  • Monitoring fighter output (wattage) and having a set power drop-off (ex. no more than 5%).

  • Allowing the fighter adequate rest time in between high-intensity sets or based on the duration of efforts (ex. 1:5-10 work-to-rest ratio).

Developing the anaerobic system is a high-intensity stressor on the fighter meaning it can come with increased residual fatigue in the following training days. Anaerobic improvements through S&C sessions should be managed and monitored properly. This holistic approach to training ensures that fighters are prepared to perform at their best, delivering explosive power and sustained intensity from the first round to the last.

Stay tuned for Part 3 of my Conditioning Series by following my Instagram or subscribe to my email list below.

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